TOEFL IBT, GMAT, GRE courses Nova Language Consultants

Improving Speaking for TOEFL iBT

Expressing ourselves in English as a foreign language can be intimidating at the beginning but immensely rewarding in the medium and long term: we can make new friends, interact with colleagues in other countries, share ideas with partners, etc. Yet, when it comes to others measuring our ability to measure our speaking abilities, we might […]

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Improving Reading Skills

by Nova Language Consultants. Santiago de Chile (originalmente publicado en US Journal of Academics, Editado Mayo 2013 Introducción – Sobre la sección de Lectura en TOEFL iBT En la primera sección de TOEFL iBT – Reading – leerás entre tres o cuatro pasajes. Tendrás 60 – 80 minutos para completar la sección. Cada texto […]

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